A coherent approach of coaching and strategy for those who know there’s a better way and are ready to be supported


Let’s go from

Being consistently stressed & worried about…

  • Always needing to make the right/best decision or else…

  • Your jam-packed calendar

  • How no one can do what you do

  • Getting too fed up and disappearing to live off-grid Alexander Supertramp style (although, still yes to this lol)

  • Making any kind of plans because you don’t know how the business will be

  • Staying high-alert to every email, hiccup or deviation

  • Feeling behind people you admire

  • Needing your staff to know that you work as hard as they do

All the way to

The life you actually want and the reason you got into business in the first place…

  • Regular mid-week friend hangs for surfing/tennis/coffee chats

  • Getting all your high-yield work in, and zero-guilt delegation of the rest

  • Knowing and trusting your team to be capable and resourceful

  • Being STOKED about exactly where your business is, and unafraid about where it’s going

  • Saying yes to that heli-ski trip next winter, soul-giving meets with those people who leave you better, be it friends, colleagues, or support systems

  • Knowing you’re exactly where you're supposed to be and that from here you can decide what’s next if you want to

  • Living by your own standards and allowing others to misunderstand you

  • David -- Founder/CEO

    “Michaela sees the world differently and brings such a huge component to business owners. We’re so focused on what is in front of us, to see the blind spots is extremely difficult. Michaela gives the vision in such a clear way, so that you can focus on what you do best and knowing the unknowns have been thought of.”

  • Josh -- CIO

    “Michaela’s coaching helped me to build my team from least profitable to most profitable in 6 months.

    We have since created a service line where we have grown the revenue generation nearing $1M in under 2 years. The effect she had on the decisions made and how I approached difficult moments was KEY to ensuring that each of those wings of the business succeeded .”

  • Kathryn -- SR Manager

    “When I first started with Michaela, I was a reserved individual with a lack of confidence in my skills and abilities. I was unable to put myself forward and advocate for my desired next steps.

    Through our monthly sessions I was challenged to connect with the power of what I bring to the table and now have a confidence in the value I provide my workplace that did not exist before. I am now leading a team and continue to advocate for my next steps in my career growth.”

  • Brittany -- PR Specialist

    “The greatest investment I made in myself in the past 5 years. It’s like we recalibrated my brain to be proud of of who I am today and excited for who I am becoming—that’s where the biggest shifts are coming from. ”

  • *Mara -- SR Manager

    “I struggled with my confidence, being able to speak up and present my ideas in meetings with the executive team. Michaela’s honesty and ability to remove the emotion from work situations has propelled both my career and personal life. I’m now able to speak up & set clear boundaries communicating with professional language and confidence that has been so well received.”

  • Tiffany -- Community Manager

    “Our conversations have not only helped me navigate personal experiences, such as overcoming the loss of a loved one, but also to make a real difference in the communities where I serve. By incorporating the wisdom and guidance explored in our sessions, I’ve been better equipped to create spaces that foster connection, support, and empathy, making people feel valued and understood.”

  • *Peter -- Finance Expert

    “Working with you for the past year really showed me how to create a life that’s meaningful to me, not just one that everyone tells me I should want. ”

  • *Kellan -- Entrepreneur

    “Every time I leave my session with Michaela I always feel like this was the best decision I have made for myself. As a new business owner in a partnership, I’ve been able to seek support in navigating that relationship which has been immediately impactful as I have been able to pause and choose my response which creates the most positive and helpful outcomes.”

  • Joy -- Associate

    “When exploring the emotions and thought patterns of any given situation, she would challenge my viewpoints and show me how to nurture myself.

    I had gone through a hard breakup, and was feeling lost and facing a crisis of self when we started meeting. I have found a better balance in compassion and care for myself while not making myself a victim.”

  • *Philip -- IT Specialist

    “Being able to recognize the “stories” I told myself that are holding me back from reaching my potential. Now I can step back, recognize the reality of the situation, and stop spending time/worrying about things I cannot control. I can use that energy to be more productive in other areas.”

  • Brandon -- Accountant

    “I began my new role anxious and questioning myself. I I was able to move through a lot of that, grow more confident in myself, and am now bringing a more open minded view for my future self and making better decisions. I will be leaving my self doubt behind, being conscious of how much I was over thinking. ”

  • Nicole -- CPA

    “Throughout our sessions, there was some change and hard moments that I was glad to have had the support through. Having the space to explore allowed me to take step back and re-evaluate where I was really at and what next steps would be in line with my future vision of myself. Now, I have a better understanding of what I want, what feels good for me, and how to be gentle with myself when I don’t have all the answers. ”

  • *Gina -- Associate

    “Prior to working with Michaela I had worked really hard on accepting myself but our sessions really took that a step further.

    Like a friend who isn’t afraid to call you on your sh!t, she challenged me to really trust that accepted version of me to take what works and leave what doesn’t—who is confident in making decisions & can do hard things.”

  • *Lucas -- Lead Associate

    “How it started: stressed and uninvolved in meetings.

    Now: bringing more positivity and engagement, reframing my roadblocks to be more proactive. Leaving behind a lot of self-doubt and frustrations.”

What if it could all get done while in a way that feels life-giving and expansive?

1:1 Work With Michaela 🦚

  • When we allow ourselves the space to explore every angle contributing to our decision-making with a focus toward building sustainable strategies and solutions, your existence will serve as the competitive advantage no one can put their finger on (and definitely can’t steal 😉).

  • Feeling stuck in the same old routine? Dread signing into the weekly huddle? Let's mix things up! We get it—navigating team dynamics while trying to spark fresh ideas can be tough. Don't worry, we've got your back. We'll help your team shake out the cobwebs to get the objectives across the finish line.

  • Company culture is the air you’re breathing — you can’t see if there’s a problem until it’s too late. Intentional crafting of culture into your business plan is crucial to the health of your success. We know it’s about the journey, so let’s create the way to success that everyone wants to get behind.

If there was a relationship with work that would feel so good you knew without a doubt you could do it for the rest of your life, wouldn’t you try and go find that?
— Pat Millerd

Welcome, I’m Michaela Kealey — Coach + Strategist

I’ve always wanted a big life, but for a long time I wouldn’t even allow myself to want what I wanted.

Even as an employee, despite working with mission-based, good-hearted entrepreneurs, I struggled to separate myself from the work, and had multiple burnouts. I knew I had something uniquely valuable and that in order to truly deliver it to the world I would need to figure out a new way.

In the past five years I:

  • Rose to Head of People & Culture and led the successful re-org for the acquired cloud accounting firm, Envolta

  • Launched a 6-figure consultancy from day 1 🚀

  • Spend nearly every workday feeling lucky, humbled, and grateful

  • Travelled full-time with a huge crush on Southern California

  • Prioritized slow-living with focus on movement, nature, and inner peace

  • Have guided hundreds of transformations that have led to: major increases in profitability, finding meaning in life (no big d), promotions, inner peace, joyful days, healing grief, renewed excitement in relationships and so much more ✨

We’re just getting started and I can’t wait to keep proving the better way, together.

With all my passion and support,




Profitable — Empowering — Transformative Life-changing — AMAZING — Refreshing Fantastic — Game-changer — Space Necessity — Eye-opening